2012年8月14日 星期二

走走,看看 Travel and See Around

4th of August, because of typhoon so we can't back to Alishan.  

Our beloved Baby Sitter and  Chief bring us to 308 Highland, Dongshih Fisherman's Wharf and Aogu Wetlend. 

Because of typhoon, the whether is not good, so the view of 308 Highland is blur..@@

This picture taken from Google, the clearer view of 308 Highland. 

There cannot use for plantation. Only bamboo will grow up there. The green plant is bamboo.  

Next we come to Dongshih Fisherman's Wharf. 

志工保姆和課長為我們講解我們的位置和與 鰲鼓的位置。
Our Baby Sitter and Chief explain about our location and location of Aogu Wetlend to us.

The kids play with the oyster shell. Its look fun. 

Volunteer of Pingtung Forest District Office will come to Chiayi on 5th of August. But because of typhoon the road to Ahlishan is broken, so our Baby sitter and Chief need to discuss about new schedule. We really appreciated for their hardship. So six of us just go around the park. 

5 girls and a gentlemen photographer.. 

 之後我們就來到 鰲鼓了,那裏有個很漂亮的蚵棚,那是嘉義林管處招募的遊客和當地人合作穿成的。他們會用比較凹的一面來穿洞,之後再把它綁成一串串。 
After that we go to Aogu Wetland, there got a beautiful oyster shell shed. This is made by tourist and local people in Aogu Wetland. They made hole on the oyster shell and then tied it into a brunch.

This building original is a school, but now the school already move to another place and they renovated it to become a natural ecology exhibition hall. But now it haven't open for use.  

 All concentrate with interpretation from our baby sitter.  

 This is a small park that manage by local people. They used their creativity to decorated this place. They use bottle to make it like a flowers. It is great !

They use cap of bottle to make round flowers.  

And they also use bells to make flowers. 

因爲現在不是 候鳥季 ,所以我們看見的鳥寥寥無幾。
Because not is not migratory bird season, so we just saw some kind of birds here.
Baby sitter said on migratory bird season, we can see almost thousand of birds fly on the sky. chia

Because volunteer from Pingtung Forest District Office will come on the next day and we will come to Aogu Wetland with them. Our beloved baby sitter don't want we feel boring on the next day so we did not go to trail in Aogu wetland. So we end our day here.


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